Stephen D. Ricks and John A. Tvedtnes, “The Hebrew Origin of Some Book of Mormon Place Names,” JBMS, fall 1997, 255–59. Allen J. Christenson, “The Use of Chiasmus in Ancient Mesoamerica” (Provo: FARMS, 1988); Allen J. Christenson, “The Use of Chiasmus by the Ancient Quiché-Maya” (Provo: FARMS, 1989). Though the accounts told in the Bible … The Bible is the first witness and the Book of Mormon bears a second witness that all the promises, prophecies, and miracles in the Bible are true. Let no one tell you what a passage or portion of Scripture says without checking it yourself with what the Holy Spirit says to your heart. The book was published in multiple languages including … Lehi was a descendant of Joseph. Wayne A. Larsen and Alvin C. Rencher, “Who Wrote the Book of Mormon? Painstaking research of John L. Sorenson and others has demonstrated the plausibility of the complex geographical data contained in the Book of Mormon. Mormons believe that the Book of Mormon, unlike the Bible, was translated correctly and is the unaltered word of God. Archeology has found ZERO confirmation of the book of Mormon. Indeed, the ancient practice now is known to have occurred at precisely the era and place from which Book of Mormon peoples came.8 In fact, with the Copper Scroll and other materials from the Dead Sea, we have an almost exact parallel: like the ancient Nephite plates, these materials were sealed up in a hillside just prior to military disaster, to preserve them for a future time. At this time in history, the two kingdoms were divided. Consult John W. Welch and Daniel B. McKinlay, eds., Chiasmus Bibliography (Provo: Research Press, 1999). 1:8], and Helaman 14:12 [Hel. But the Mormon story has the book of gold delivered first to the “unlearned” Smith who copied some of the ‘caractors’ of his translation on a piece of paper which was taken to the “learned” Anthon. The “Bible” Problem in the Book of Mormon. Brigham Young and the worship … The Book of Mormon does not mention currently existing civilizations, but most Mormons … When Jesus Christ resurrected near Jerusalem after His crucifixion and death, He visited the people of the Book of Mormon. “The Book of Mormon is an endless treasure of wisdom and inspiration, of counsel and correction. Many such clues appear among the book’s place names. Russell H. Ball, “An Hypothesis concerning the Three Days of Darkness among the Nephites,” JBMS, spring 1993, 107–23; John A. Tvedtnes, “Historical Parallels to the Destruction at the Time of the Crucifixion,” JBMS, spring 1994, 170–86; John Gee, “Another Note on the Three Days of Darkness,” JBMS, fall 1997, 235–44; Bart J. Kowallis, “In the Thirty and Fourth Year: A Geologist’s View of the Great Destruction in 3 Nephi,” BYU Studies 37, no. Thousands of hours of research have produced the current blossoming of Book of Mormon studies that bless the lives of Latter-day Saints. But God never interchanges these words. Recent research shows that the sermon is intimately linked with the ancient Israelite Feast of Tabernacles and the Day of Atonement, as well as with archaic treaty and covenant formulas and early Near Eastern coronation festivals.36 Even the physical setting of the speech—delivered while the king stood upon a tower (see Mosiah 2:7)—is ritually appropriate to the occasion. They observe that Alma … I came that they … In some cases, entire passages are duplicated in the Book of Mormon. The two sticks becoming one symbolizes the Bible and Book of Mormon coming together as complementary scriptures. I learned it well while in … There are at least 15 Old Testament references to ‘familiar spirit’, and all of them deal with witchcraft. Some Book of Mormon Prophets (capital P) were responsible for leading God’s church with priesthood keys, like Moses had been in the Bible.But the Book of Mormon also shows that individuals can act as prophets or prophetesses (lowercase p), as Miriam, Deborah, or Huldah, in the Bible did, receiving a divine commission to preach and testify, even though they weren’t … Joseph Smith claimed to translate an ancient Egyptian text into the “Book of Abraham,” a claim that has been proven absolutely false by examination of the Egyptian document in question. First of all, in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) the Hebrew … 2 (1999): 6–47. Joseph … George S. Tate, “The Typology of the Exodus Pattern in the Book of Mormon,” in Literature of Belief: Sacred Scripture and Religious Experiences, ed. We do have additional sacred scripture, including the Book of Mormon, but it supports the Bible, never substituting for it. 38 The appearance of the two men named Alma in the Book of Mormon has occasioned much comment from critics.

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