It sounds good when a politician says all college students should carry concealed weapons, but will it have any effect, Essay on Teachers Should Be Allowed to Carry Weapons. Now society is trying to force them to be both. And to think that if a school full of teenagers can access a. In this essay I will review points to prove that neither students or teachers should be allowed to carry guns into college campuses. There is extensive media coverage of the topic but little empirical analysis of aggregate events. Depending on what state the teacher is teaching in determines if they can carry their gun now, if they are in the process of being able to, or if their state is not passing a law to allow them to carry their gun while at school. Allowing gun on campus can lead to reckless behavior. Arming teachers is opposed by school safety experts like law enforcement, and teachers and parents. For this reason, the law should consent to “licensed concealed carry” (carrying a weapon with a license) on campus. They are more harmful and deadly than most other methods people try. Let’s start with the advantages of allowing teachers to carry a concealed weapon. How would a teacher help to stop or prevent a school shooting? A child is not supposed to worry about their safety at school. The concerns for arming teachers with fire arms or limiting the mass production of fire arms and ammunition has always surfaced in the public for avoiding more mass shootings. While the majority of liberal and democratic oppose carrying guns onto school property. In the event of a shooting, a teacher may accidentally shoot a teacher, a student, or an officer that is trying to help. If teachers get their license for guns their should all be carrying guns, The teachers carrying firearms would be trained and they would need to receive training often to continue carrying their gun on school grounds. Stress from the Responsibility. To have a teacher, that has only taught his or her entire life, pull a gun on a student would be very stressful and may not be able to act under that situation. Some states such as Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, and Mississippi has already passed the law to allowed students to carry concealed weapons on campuses to protect themselves from unwanted mass shooters. This would not help prevent the type of deadly mass shooting we 've been seeing lately. 1 Everytown for Gun Safety. One of the rules is that they can. In a sick twisted world, the teacher becomes the school shooter. But what if … Guns should not just be thrown at teachers with no knowledge of how to use them, or just how destructive a gun can be. Recently in the year 2012, 26 people in elementary school in Texas were shot dead triggering public demand that teachers should be armed with guns in order to protect our students. Teachers should be allowed to carry guns at school in order to protect students. In a sick twisted world, the teacher … All that would do is increase the possibility of innocent people getting caught in the crossfire. I wonder if I would be able to protect myself or if my teachers would be able to protect me, but I do not wish my teacher would have a gun in that instance. Many teacher’s first instinct would be to protect the students in the classroom and move them out of the way of harm. Teachers carrying firearms could protect their students, fellow teachers, and themselves from being harmed. Firstly, allowing guns in college campus will only bring more violence. For example, if a teacher or professor gives the student a bad grade on a test, then the student can walk in the school with a gun and shoot the teacher or professor and nobody would stop him because carrying a gun in school would be accepted. It would also help if every teacher learned self defense and not just a, Teachers did not go into their profession to be babysitters, and they certainly didn 't go into it to be security guards. Essay Sample: "The vast majority of teachers want to be armed with textbooks and computers, not guns," said Kenneth S. Trump, President of National School Safety and +1 (855) 626 2755 Free essays Police Officers Should Not Carry Guns. An isolated incident, perhaps. States like Colorado pushes for concealed guns in K-12 schools and “Proponents of the legislation say it will improve safety in the country’s schools”. Sample essay about your family essay on avoid plastic as far as possible, is peachy essay legit problem solution essay on texting and driving . If this were to happen, many students would also be scared to go to school. Teachers carrying firearms could protect their students, fellow teachers, and themselves from being harmed. And the sad part is that all of this can all be averted. Moreover, arming teachers will help in creating fear to those with the intention of committing a crime. Teachers should not be allowed to carry guns at school. Teachers and Administrators should be allowed to carry guns on school property because police stations are too far away and It will increase the amount of safety when given proper training. There negatives for teachers having guns at school include: students getting the, Equipping teachers with guns, who are little more than civilians, is absurd. Imagine being in a classroom of an elementary school and hearing loud shots from the hall. Sadly, the … Also many teachers may have a short temper in the first place and pull a gun on a student. A teacher should be allowed to possess a weapon of self-defense especially when he is entitled with a responsibility as big as the lives of many students. Many people suppose that police officers should carry their guns. Evil in “a Good Man Is Hard to Find” Essay. 1137 Words 5 Pages. This paper discusses the reasons behind the necessity of restricting gun possession on campuses. One of the main reason for permitted guns in campus, Handling guns and being able to shoot, then will greatly decrease school shootings.
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