Aim to get your PH level between 7.2 and 7.6 and your TA level to between 80-120ppm. This can raise the acidity of hot tub water, according to the University of Michigan. Although hot tubs and backyard pools often require similar effort and expense for upkeep, the two differ in that it’s a lot easier for a home buyer remove a lightly-used hot tub.. To raise your hot tub’s pH levels, you can use a product containing either sodium carbonate or you just use straight sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Remember, the proper level for pH should be between 7.2 and 7.8 parts per million. It’s important to monitor the total alkalinity levels as the pH increaser will raise the TA level. Step 1 Our energy cost calculator can give you an idea of how much your bill might increase in winter: A hot tub model that costs $13.92 per month to heat at an electrical rate of $0.11 kWh in 75-degree weather in Miami, Florida will cost $36.61 per month to heat at the same electrical rate in 35-degree weather in International Falls, Minnesota. For example, a mixture with a pH of 8 would be 10 times more basic than a pH of 7, and a 9 pH would signify a solution that is 10 times more basic than a pH of 8, meaning it is 100 times more basic than pure water. Stabilizers in Hot Tubs. An Inground Hot Tub While the waters of a hot tub prove the perfect place to melt away the stresses of the day, their warmth also makes them the perfect environment for the growth of germs. How much Baking Soda to Raise pH in Spa and also corrode metallic materials. A question that is often asked is how to raise Free Chlorine in your hot tub. But this pleasant experience might turn into a nightmare if proper care is not taken. While a hot tub is an excellent place to relax, these appliances require careful maintenance of the water's pH level. If the chlorine levels are high or low, you should bring them to an acceptable level so that the water of your hot tub is free from germs and bacteria. The middle of that range, 7, is considered neutral. Increasing low pH levels. Raising the alkalinity of the water will keep your tub water from becoming corrosive. A well-balanced alkalinity in your hot tub is an essential part of creating a safe, healthy hot tub environment. The spa shock treatment breaks down organic contaminants to keep the water clear and clean. Turn on the jet and let it circulate in the water completely. Calcium scaling can also occur, making it more difficult to keep surfaces clean and plumbing free of scale buildup. Keeping this in consideration, how do I lower the alkalinity in my hot tub? The alkalinity of your hot tub’s water can absolutely be raised by using baking soda. Read the hot tub tag or consult the hot tub manual to determine its water holding capacity. We bought a used hot tub, and it took 10 strong young men to lift the 1250lb tub, and move it 75 ft to the trailer. If the water is too acidic, it's going to quickly to wear out the heater element. Remember, the proper level for pH should be between 7.2 and 7.8. Hot Tub Buying Guide How to raise PH in your hot tub. Run the hot tub, and wait a while to let your water mix and settle (the exact wait time will depend on water volume, amount of bromine in the spa, and the power/capacity of your pump). It is always best to underdose in this instance as you do not want to have to then reduce the level shortly after increasing it. Japanese Soaking Hot Tub. You ideally want to be in the middle of the range between 80-120 ppm. For example, add 4 tablespoons of baking soda to a hot tub that holds 400 gallons of water. How to Build a Horseshoe Pit that Rocks in 6 Easy Steps! On a typical test strip, there is a reading for Total Chlorine … Ideally, you’ll have 4 people lift the hot tub, and another person slide dollies under its base and help guide it. A good hour should be plenty with a hot tub capacity of around 250/300 gallons. Any pH level below 7.4 could spell trouble. There are two main ways to raise / increase the pH in your hot tub . If order is under $99. The air controls in your hot tub take air from inside the hot tub cabinet and force it through the jets. If your hot tub’s pH level is too high, it can damage some of the equipment of the hot tub, such as the heater or pipes.. Also, if you happen to be using a bromine-based disinfectant system, then your hot tub's total alkalinity can decline faster than granular chlorine-based systems. and also corrode metallic materials. [1] Alkalinity increasers are products designed to increase the total concentration of alkaloids in hot tub water. To combat this problem, responsible hot tub owners treat the waters with an assortment of chemicals -- most notably, chlorine. Read the instructions to find out how much you should add for your particular hot tub and start with the smallest recommended amount. If the water is too acidic, it's going to quickly to wear out the heater element. A high reading of calcium can cause the following in a hot tub: Scale build-up. Please log-in or create an account, to use your points. If you choose to purchase an alkalinity increaser product be sure the product is made from sodium bicarbonate, which is the main substance used to raise pH. If the hot tub freezes or is damaged due to maintenance issues, count on any claim you put in being denied regardless of how your specific policy handles hot tubs. For a hot tub, the pH level that you’re trying to achieve is between 7.4 and 7.6, or slightly basic. By the end of it, the hot tub looks nice and costs almost no money to build. So, let’s find out — will your investment in a hot tub increase your home’s value? Add one capful of Alka Plus to the tub water. NOTICE: Master Spa Parts, Inc. is an independent business entity and is not an agent or affiliate of Master Spas, Inc. Master Spa is registered trademark of Master Spas, Inc.©2003-2020 Master Spa Parts. One of these is, "How do you raise the alkalinity in a hot tub?". Before we dive into this topic, there is one thing we need to clear up: total alkalinity and pH, while connected, are actually two very different things. If you want to raise the alkalinity of your hot tub’s water, use one tablespoon of baking soda per every one hundred gallons of water in your hot tub. on all orders over $99. The best place for your hot tub's pH to be is in the range of 7.4 to 7.8. An alkalinity increaser such as the SpaBoss Alka Rise helps to prevent pH fluctuations that can damage your hot tub's moving parts (plumbing, jets, pumps, etc.) Alkalinity Raising Process Test the alkalinity of the water using a testing strip. Increase Chlorine Level in Hot Tub. Hot tub owners should test the water regularly and rinse the filters once a month. If you've read through this article and you're still trying to make sense out of the whole raising total alkalinity concept, just drop us a line. By lowering the temperature of hot tub water from 105 degrees Fahrenheit to 94 degrees, for instance, you can reduce insoluble calcium carbonate by half, resulting in more alkaline water. Low pH If the pH of your hot tub water is below 7.4, it’s getting close to being acidic and it’s harder for your sanitizer to work properly. Retest the pH level of the water. To combat this problem, responsible hot tub owners treat the waters with an assortment of chemicals -- most notably, chlorine. How To Raise Low Alkalinity in Hot Tub. To raise the pH, you can use products sold to do just that - pH up chemicals. Hot tub shock treatments are the occasional use of chemicals to reduce the contaminants and oils that accumulate in the bathers’ hot tub water. Baking soda raises your hot tub’s pH and alkalinity levels. Do the spa pillows feel slimy? Your sanitizer can change the pH and, of course, the people who get in and out of the tub. Service Professionals Click here for discount! Doing so naturally involves more work than using chemicals, yet can be accomplished by … You have three options: Test Strips: This is the quickest and easiest hot tub water testing method. Any part made out of metal that comes into contact with water that has low total alkalinity can corrode, putting your heating elements, pipes, and heaters at risk. Steps to lower alkalinity in your hot tub. It can be frustrating to treat your swim spa or hot tub water only to see your chlorine levels keep dropping. If you have an account, sign in with your email address. All Rights Reserved. But, to put it simply, pH is a relative measure of a solution's alkalinity as it relates to water, while total alkalinity (TA) measures the total number of alkaloids within a solution's sampled volume. A hot bath in a spa tub feels heavenly after a tiring day. Just don’t go crazy. But it’s not nearly as effective as soda ash. This section is for those with unusual pH and/or Total Alkalinity relationships, and have trouble getting them into balance. There are pH increasers you can buy that help take the guesswork out of it by giving you exact amounts and instructions. There are two main types of shock compounds available today – chlorine based shocks and non-chlorine based shocks. Raising pH If your pH level is below 7.4, you’ll need to increase it. To lower high alkalinity, you can use a pH reducer or muriatic acid. I found a trick on my Marquis Hot tub that allows you to increase the max temperature from 104 to 106 degrees. It usually increases the alkalinity level one square on the test strip. Baking soda can raise the alkalinity of the water and bring your pH back up to an appropriate level. As many homeowners know, the ideal pH for a hot tub or pool should be between 7.2 and 7.8. For example, if your hot tub holds six hundred gallons of water, add six tablespoons. How a Hot Tub Affects Your Home’s Value. A DIY hot tub is the perfect way to unwind and relax after a hard day. Liquid Test Kit: A little fancier and slightly more labor-intensive than test strips, but sometimes more accurate. It’s … If the pH level in your hot tub water is below 7.4 there may be consequences. This will prevent damage to your hot tub components and make your hot tub water chemistry easier overall. How to Raise Alkalinity in a Hot Tub Before you begin to adjust the total alkalinity in the hot tub, be sure you know how large your hot tub is (gallons) and what your target range is. If your hot tub water is too acidic, a reading below 7.2, the sanitiser in the water will be less effective and can cause issues for bathers including irritation to eyes. The first is to use chemicals, typically called a pH increaser, pH plus or pH raise , the most common of which is soda ash. To ensure that your hot tub water remains fresh and healthy and doesn’t pose a threat to the bathers or the hot tub components, you need to ensure the pH of your water is balanced. The usual range of pH level of the water in the hot tub should be within the scope of 7.2 to 7.8, ideal being 7.4 to 7.6. Potassium peroxymonosulfate is a chlorine-free shock treatment that oxidizes contaminants in water. The range for pH is from 0 to 14, same as you learned when you were going through puberty in science class. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to get the calcium level up where it needs to be. To us, 3 hours is a bit of a long time for the small capacity of a hot tub – a small swimming pool, maybe, now that’s a bit more like it. It also causes the water to be corrosive, which affects the metal fittings in your hot tub, and this can result in discoloration of the water. Although you cannot consider your hot tub as an asset or an investment that increases your home’s value, Helling says it’s not a deal-breaker. The next step you take in how to raise pH in hot tub spas is you gradually add an increaser like SpaGuard pH Increaser to get the right reading. Turn on the hot tub jets and allow the water to circulate the baking soda for two to four hours. In other words, a 300-gallon hot tub adding 1 ½ teaspoons of dichlor four times a week can build up a CYA level of 50 ppm in as few as four weeks and reach 100 ppm CYA in only seven weeks. One of the many benefits of owning a hot tub is the opportunity to care for it, even in simple ways, such as maintaining the purity of your spa water on a routine basis. The presence of a pool often has little to no effect on the value of your home. At Master Spa Parts, we offer an assortment of products from SpaBoss, including the SpaBoss Alka Rise. As it pertains to your hot tub's water, total alkalinity will typically signify the concentration of hydroxides, carbonates, bicarbonates, and other alkaloids within your sample. Sodium bicarbonate is actually much better for raising TA, especially if you don’t want to affect the pH level too much. If your tests indicate that an alkalinity increaser should be used, this is definitely a step you do not want to skip. Spa water can be purified using a chlorine, bromine, salt water, or ozone system, each of which has unique attributes. 1 oz added to 500 gallons will increase calcium hardness about 10 ppm. Your email address will not be published. Does anyone know of a product I can use to raise the Ph- perhaps something commonly found in the home that would be safe to put in a hot tub. This tub is a gorgeous sight. As seen above, too low alkalinity can lead to rapid changes in pH, as well as skin and eye irritation. Here is what to do to raise your water’s alkalinity with baking soda. The surface of the shell can become etched, pitted, and even the protecting layer of the shell can delaminate. SpaBoss products are designed for those looking to achieve the right hot tub chemical concentrations (no chemistry degree required). If your hot tub uses bromine, adding shock once a week will help activate it to properly clean the water of your hot tub. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. If testing shows the bromine level is … You can adjust the pH of your spa water by adding baking soda to raise the pH or by adding muriatic acid to lower the pH. While the waters of a hot tub prove the perfect place to melt away the stresses of the day, their warmth also makes them the perfect environment for the growth of germs. Low pH in Your Hot Tub. How to Raise the Alkalinity in a Hot Tub Without Chemicals. Supplies & Tools Needed for Moving a Hot Tub, Instructions for Moving a Hot Tub Step By Step, Moving a Spa Hot Tub with PVC Pipe & a Furniture Dolly, Maasdam Pow’R Pull 144S-6 1 Ton Capacity Pow’R Pull USA Made, Cartman Ratchet Tie Down, 4Pk 15Ft, 500Lbs Load Cap/ 1500Lbs Break Strength, Cargo Straps for Moving Appliances, Lawn Equipment, Motorcycle in a Truck, With Carry Bag, How to Build a DIY Chicken Coop & Run that your Chickens & Husband will LOVE. Tackle Biofilm. To us, 3 hours is a bit of a long time for the small capacity of a hot tub – a small swimming pool, maybe, now that’s a bit more like it. As a responsible hot tub owner, you should keep track of the chlorine levels in your hot tub at all times. … Total alkalinity is measured differently than pH ranges; total alkalinity is measured in parts per million (ppm), unlike the relative pH ratings. Using vinegar to clean a hot tub or spa is a safe and effective method. How to Increase Calcium Hardness in a Hot Tub. Last, turn off the jets and conduct a … If you don’t know how many gallons of water are in your hot tub , you can calculate it here with our Spa Volume Calculator. To raise low alkalinity and stabilize your pH, use sodium bicarbonate over a period of time. Just make sure you use strips that include total hardness. If you're new to spa water chemistry, read the ABCs of Water Chemistry and Hot Tub Prep & Maintenance, first.. 99% of spa owners will have … Then allow the tub to run for 30 minutes to evenly circulate the chemicals. To raise your hot tub’s pH levels, you can use a product containing either sodium carbonate or you just use straight sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Actually, you want to add calcium chloride, which is the active ingredient in calcium hardness increaser made specifically for hot tubs. How to Raise the Alkalinity in a Hot Tub Without Chemicals. Just don’t go crazy. Consequences of Low pH. Just takes pushing a few buttons. Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to the hot tub for every 100 gallons of water it holds. You can also use baking soda - yep, the stuff you add to baked goods will work as well. Look for pH test strips and muriatic acid at pool supply stores and online. The shorthand “pH” translates to the “power of hydrogen," which is a way of measuring the concentration of hydrogen ions within a given solution. This is the real measure of pH. 8. There are pH increasers you can buy that help take the guesswork out of it by giving you exact amounts and instructions. An alkalinity increaser such as the SpaBoss Alka Rise helps to prevent pH fluctuations that can damage your hot tub's moving parts (plumbing, jets, pumps, etc.) Highly acidic water makes it more difficult for your sanitizer to work effectively, leaving bathers in your hot tub exposed to … The most common types of alkaloids in hot tub water are carbonates, bicarbonates, hydroxides, and other minor alkaloids. The lower the pH level, the more acidic your hot tub water is. Because we describe water that is basic (opposite of acidic) as being "alkaline," it’s easy to see how these terms are so often confused — even among those in the industry!. If you’re still confident that you can manage the heavy job of moving a hot tub to another house after the risk assessment is complete, then let’s continue with what steps you have to follow in order to keep things running … We bought a used hot tub, and it took 10 strong young men to lift the 1250lb tub, and move it 75 ft to the trailer. Just add a small amount, wait a bit and retest the pH. Increase Calcium Hardness for Hot Tubs - 14 oz. A good hour should be plenty with a hot tub capacity of around 250/300 gallons. If the pH level is higher, it will be too alkaline, and cause the equipment of the hot tub, such as the heating system, to be damaged. While this added air makes for a better massage, it also lowers the temperature of the water. Therefore, he generally considers a hot tub a neutral factor in valuation. Moving a hot tub by yourself [The Steps] Remember that safety is a big issue when transporting something as heavy and enormous as a hot tub. Acidic water can cause a hot tub’s metal components to rust and corrode. But what about a hot tub? If your hot tub water is a little too soft, it’s not too terribly difficult to adjust with a calcium hardness increaser. Determine the pH level of the water using a water test strip. Enjoy the pleasure and warmth of a DIY hot tub anywhere you may live by using one of these ideas to build your own wood burning model that won’t break your budget. Again, ensure the kit tests for calcium or total hardness. A reading of 7.2 or below indicates that your hot tub water is too acidic, and your sanitiser will be less effective. Read the instructions to find out how much you should add for your particular hot tub and start with the smallest recommended amount. These alkaline substances buffer pH in the water by neutralizing acids. How to Test for Calcium in a Hot Tub. Total alkalinity should be at 80-120ppm. You go around the outside with foam lining and pallets to help it hold its shape. You should aim to get your hot tubs pH level in the range of 7.2 and 7.8 as anything higher or lower can cause issues for your hot tub and bathers. Baking soda can raise the alkalinity of the water and bring your pH back up to an appropriate level. Disclosure Statement & Privacy Policy. To increase the pH levels in your hot tub, add a pH increaser to bring the levels back to normal. In other words, total alkalinity is a measurement of the water’s ability to resist change in pH. A well-balanced alkalinity in your hot tub is an essential part of creating a safe, healthy hot tub environment. But, when we are talking about how basic or acidic a solution is, we are looking at how a solution relates to pure water, which is at 7 on the pH scale. Balanced TA levels help in a balanced pH level of water. Have you noticed a film on the surface of your spa? A large acrylic hot tub can weigh upwards of 1,000 pounds (450 kg), so you’ll need plenty of able-bodied helpers. It’s really as simple as adding a little calcium to the water. Maintaining the correct alkalinity is critical to the life of the equipment used to heat and circulate water in a hot tub… There are two ways to increase your hot tub’s alkalinity level: sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) or any type of alkalinity increaser product. While baking soda can be used to raise the pH of your hot tub’s water, it will only raise the pH slightly. This product will bring the calcium level up to the level required. The chemical to bring the Ph up is very expensive. How to Raise Calcium Hardness in Your Hot Tub If your hot tub’s calcium hardness level drops below the recommended 150 ppm the easiest and most common way to raise calcium hardness is by adding a calcium hardness increaser such as calcium chloride to your hot tub. I have a hot tub and everytime I test the water the Ph if very low. You can often purchase a $1 million in coverage for only $150-$300/year . Fortunately, the easiest way to raise calcium hardness in a hot tub is to—you guessed it—add calcium to the water. This is done in a way that’s similar to adjusting total alkalinity but using soda ash instead. The numerical designations assigned to basic and acidic solutions aren’t arbitrary; each whole number interval within a pH scale is ten times more basic or acidic than the number it precedes. As you can imagine, the air in the cabinet of a hot tub is quite a bit cooler than the water in the hot tub. Increasing hardness is as simple as adding a Calcium Hardness Increaser. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. And knowing how inexpensive the homemade hot tub was will enable you to relax even more. Are you struggling with keeping your pH in the proper range? If you're thinking of getting a hot tub, an umbrella policy is a great way to increase coverage without paying a whole lot more in premiums due to high liability limits. pH is the measure of the acidity of a solution that runs from 1, which is very acidic to 14 which is very basic. The ideal pH level in a hot tub is between 7.4 and 7.6 – a measurement that’s slightly basic. It’s really as simple as adding a little calcium to the water. I drained and refilled my hot tub and now I'm deep cleaning it with a 10% vinegar solution, letting it run through the jet cycles daily. Raising a hot tub's alkalinity isn't the same as making it more basic or less acidic; what we're talking about is increasing the total concentration of alkaloids within the water. Then, test the water again. 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Often, pool owners are confused about the different types of chlorine in their hot tubs. With the water pump running, pour the recommended amount of soda ash over the deepest part of the hot tub. Fast-dissolving form. If your hot tub water is a little too soft, it’s not too terribly difficult to adjust with a calcium hardness increaser. Master Spa Parts' specialists are always happy to answer customer questions. How much Baking Soda to Raise pH in Spa You can prevent scaling by balancing PH and Alkalinity in your hot tub but if you have high levels of calcium hardness and an imbalanced PH, it can lead to scale-build up on fittings and result in white deposits clogging your filters or floating in the hot tub. Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to the hot tub … If you are unsure of how big your hot tub is, our Spa Volume Calculator can help. It’s circular but has a hexagon bench. The first step is to test the hot tub water’s alkalinity with a test strip. Well, this hot tub takes an old water tank and uses it as the base for the tub. 100% granular calcium chloride. So when you’re considering how to raise the pH in your hot tub, choose soda ash over baking soda, and you’ll save yourself a lot of time and trouble. It's a good idea to consult your insurance agent and ask specifically what and how your policy would cover claims on the hot tub and how much liability insurance they recommend. Prevents corrosion and foaming. Please - serious answers only. You should aim to get your hot tubs pH level in the range of 7.2 and 7.8 as anything higher or lower can cause issues for your hot tub and bathers. How to Raise Calcium Hardness in Your Hot Tub If your hot tub’s calcium hardness level drops below the recommended 150 ppm the easiest and most common way to raise calcium hardness is by adding a calcium hardness increaser such as calcium chloride to your hot tub. Shock Compounds. So, what is pH? Look on the hot tub's identification tag, usually located near the pump motor, to find the amount of … Turn off the hot tub jets. Create an account and enjoy these benefits: As an online spa parts and chemicals distributor, we field a number of questions from customers that pertain to hot tub chemistry.

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