[46] Brown, “Zacharias and Elisabeth, Joseph and Mary,” 97n16. [14] Although the book claims the name and authority of one of the biblical Jameses, Apocrypha scholar Wilhelm Schneemelcher regards it as “pious fancy . First, a disambiguation: the Joshua mentioned in Zechariah is a different person from the Joshua whose name is used as the title of the biblical book of Joshua. [26] Furthermore, the common priests received the honor of lighting the incense altar each morning and evening, not the high priest. The three biblical Zechariahs we will investigate lived in the ninth, sixth, and first centuries before Christ. B. H. Roberts, 2nd ed. Alban Butler notes that “Zechariah was venerated throughout the East, and in 415 his supposed relics were taken to Constantinople.” Alban Butler, Butler’s Lives of the Saints, ed. [55] The Words of Joseph Smith: The Contemporary Accounts of the Nauvoo Discourses of the Prophet Joseph, comp. 4, this Zacharias was a rich man of high character, whom the Zealots wished to kill, because he was a friend of the good and an enemy of the wicked.2 Josephus relates the whole incident after the death of N ero and in conne:xion with the slaying of twelve thousand persons of distinction by the same … And Herod searched for John, and Herod was enraged, and said: . [36] Schneemelcher, Hennecke New Testament Apocrypha, 371; Butler’s Lives of the Saints, 38; Edward Bean Underhill, The Baptist Record and Biblical Repository (London, England: Aylott & Jones, 1848), 512. In any event, John Taylor explained the official position of the Church under the Prophet’s general supervision.”. Zacharias, Book of Zachariah, jonah. “Every mishmarot [course] would work during its assigned week until the round was completed and was then begun anew . By attaching Joseph Smith’s name to Zacharias’s purported martyrdom, some Church members have elevated this tradition to scriptural status. Nor was the writer of 2 Chronicles mistaken when he stated that Zechariah was the son of Jehoiada. Brown credits Richard L. Anderson with this observation. [7] See Matthew 21:4–5; 26:31; 27:9–10; compare Zechariah 9:9; 11:12–13; 13:7. Question: "Who was Zechariah in the Bible?" That is to say, as he acknowledges his son’s name, the power unbelief stifles becomes alive again. . [27] See Edersheim, Temple and Its Ministry and Services, 160, 166–67; see also Mishnah Tamid 3:1. [39] Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam, ed. Provo, UT 84602
and ed., Atlas of the Bible (New York, London: Nelson and Sons, 1957), 116. It appears that the Gospel of Matthew may have confused two Zechariahs. see HEBREW for 02148 Brown argues that considering the high infant mortality rate in the ancient world, there would have been so few male children from two years old and under in the area near Bethlehem that Herod could have caused the death of scarcely more than twenty children. As for the other Zechariahs in the Bible , the Scriptures don’t say that Zechariah the son of Berechiah (Zech. The man referred to in 2 Chronicles was Zachariah. [9] See Raymond Brown, The Birth of the Messiah, 3rd ed. Jewish, Christian, and Muslim literature retells this story, each tradition perpetuating different legends. John Nolland, The Gospel of Matthew, vol. Birth of the Messiah, 204. In the New Testament, Zacharias was the father of John the Baptist. As a consequence, the Talmud describes slaying eighty thousand priests to atone for the high priest Zechariah’s blood. 24:20–22) is the only person by this name mentioned in Scripture as having been killed in the temple. . I checked WorldCat and found 120 copies of the 1820 edition still available in libraries across the nation, from Harvard to Stanford. Wilhelm Schneemelcher, trans. In a footnote, Anderson expresses caution about the authorship of multiple articles attributed to Joseph Smith: “However, John Taylor was managing editor, and in the monthly issues of this period those items signed ‘Joseph Smith’ are of more certain authorship by the Prophet. As for Zechariah in particular, as soon as he accepts God’s plan, the Spirit sets him free. And behold an angel of the Lord stood by him, saying unto him: Zacharias, Zacharias, go out.” [21] Following his vision, the text unfolds his murder: And when Herod knew that he had been mocked by the Magi, in a rage he sent murderers, saying to them: Slay the children from two years old and under. The article is introduced, “From an Editorial in the ‘Times and Seasons,’ by the Prophet” (260). Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, was slain between the porch and the altar of the Temple as recorded in Matthew 23:35 for not disclosing his son’s hiding place as you quoted from the Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. At least thirty kings, princes, priests, prophets, servants, sons, trumpet players, and gatekeepers claim this name, which means “Jehovah remembers.” [1] We should not be surprised to find some confusion about the biblical Zechariahs given that the name over a thousand years and fifty-five separate verses. In his list of Herod’s atrocities, Josephus does not include Herod ordering the murder of infant males in Bethlehem. [31] Brown, Birth of the Messiah, 204–5. John Lightfoot, D.D., vol. Later, Hodge continued, “Apostles constantly refer to the Scriptures, showing beyond doubt that they believed and taught, that what sacred writers said the Holy Ghost said.” Hodge, Systematic Theology, 1:160; see also 129, 138–40, 154–55, 161, 163, 180). After performing his duties and about to exit, the angel Gabriel appears. . [27] Luke1:8–19 described the angel Gabriel visiting Zacharias as he fulfilled his duty in the Holy Place—not the Holy of Holies. Then Zechariah’s father, the high priest Jehoiada, led an uprising to return King Joash to the throne. How can water be divided by water as recorded in the Bible? 1, The Doctrine and Covenants, ed. When his assistants left, the chosen priest awaited a musical signal and then lit the incense as a representation of prayers ascending to heaven (see Exodus 30:1; Psalm 141:2; Revelation 8:4). Zechariah the son of Jehoiada (2 Chron. . [11] Hanz Hillerbrand, ed., The Encyclopedia of Protestantism (New York: Routledge, 2004), “Biblical Inerrancy,” 1:250. For example, Origen (184–253), Gregory of Nyssa (335–395), and Cyril of Alexandria (376–444) passed on different versions of the story—still within the temple setting and still emphasizing Mary’s virginity. The Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud were compiled in different centuries, yet both include stories of Joash slaying the high priest Zechariah. [21] Ron Cameron, ed., The Other Gospels: Non-Canonical Gospel Texts (Westminster: John Knox, 1982), 113. As a result, several Latter-day Saint books have spread the story as if it were a restored truth—including Sunday School and institute manuals. In addition to this misinterpretation of the Zacharias in Matthew, this excerpt from the Protevangelium also contradicts the Lucan and Matthean nativity narratives in at least five other ways. Grant Building
Even a Muslim legend described what happened to Zacharias (spelled Zakariya), the father of John the Baptist. Zacharias the Prophet and Martyr,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 11–12 (1948): 52. Accomplishments of Zechariah . At one point in time he states that each course contained over five thousand men, for a total of approximately twenty thousand priests. . That the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and are therefore infallible, and of divine authority in all things pertaining to faith and practice, and consequently free from all error whether of doctrine, fact, or precept. . Its origin is " Greek variant of the Hebrew name Zechariah ". Newspapers, periodicals, and books propagated the tale from the Protevangelium of James. [33] The Protevangelium of James focuses on the perpetual virginity of Mary and the immaculate conception of Mary, which freed her from original sin. . 1:1), was martyred and the same is true for “Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah” that is recorded in Isa. [35] Harry Bober, “St. These different apocryphal tales enjoyed a resurgence of interest in antebellum America. Zechariah and Elizabeth must have asked themselves the same thing. After presenting a list of “woes,” the texts condemn their murderous thoughts and claim that they are responsible for “all the righteous blood shed” since two famous Old Testament martyrs, Abel and Zechariah (see Genesis 4:8; 2 Chronicles 24:20–22). This could be the reason for the reference to both under Zacharias in the Bible Dictionary. . The Ravi Zacharias Legacy: Fans, Falsehoods, and Yet Another ... which occurred in 1970 with perhaps one other person present, ... until years later. [25] Joachim Jeremias, Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus (Philadelphia: Fortress, 1969), 198–206. Where Matthew mixed up the two Zechariahs, the parallel account found in Luke 11:51 did not. S. Kent Brown noted that “Joseph Smith typically signed his letters and editorials.” [43] Often, the man who served as editor of a newspaper did not write all the editorials, [44] and this seems to be the case with the Times and Seasons, where Joseph Smith was thinly spread as the supervising editor and as a prophet, president, mayor, and general with more pressing responsibilities. [26] James VanderKam, From Joseph to Caiaphas: High Priests after the Exile (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 2004), 408–13; Bruce, New Testament History, 3–4; Jeremias, Jerusalem in the Time of Jesus, 159. What is the acceptable year of the Lord as mentioned in Luke 19:4? because ye have forsaken the Lord, he hath also forsaken you” (v. 20). “The conductor of a London daily newspaper frequently does not write more than a single article in each number of his paper; for, in the establishment of the leading journals, a separate, but subordinate, editor is intrusted [sic] with the task.”. Josephus, in Contra Apionem II.8, 108, speaks of four courses of priests returning from Babylon. Among the textual differences of Matthew 23:35 and Luke 11:51, we find Matthew adding “son of Barachias” after “Zacharias,” while Luke did not. . Zacharias. One of these pieces, the noncanonical Protevangelium of James, elaborates on the miraculous birth narratives of Mary, John the Baptist, and Jesus. . Then, after hundreds of years, the apocryphal story filtered down to Christian newspapers, including the Latter-day Saint newspaper in Nauvoo. [18]. (spelled with an “h” not a “s”) He was the son of Jehoiada, a priest in the days of Joash who began his reign at the age of seven. [his] clotted blood beside the altar . 8:2. I am not sure why the reference to Zachariah is given in the Bible Dictionary under Zacharias. 1, The New International Greek Testament Commentary, ed. Sarah Fawcett Thomas and Paul Burns (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1997), 12:38. Clearly, the question of what happened to John the Baptist’s father, Zacharias, interested many. That was the route many other men would have taken. A chronological sampling of Latter-day Saint authors within the last few decades who accept the apocryphal account as endorsed by Joseph Smith include Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, comp. For a slightly different, more detailed list, not organized by book, see John W. Wright, “Zecharaiah,” in The Yale Dictionary, ed. For which of Zacharias Christ was reffering for??? Portrait by Tiffany Simmons. Zechariah was a person in the Hebrew Bible and traditionally considered the author of the Book of Zechariah, the eleventh of the Twelve Minor Prophets. What are another words for Zechariah? Where was his agency if it was already known he would do this? In the summer of 1842, several periodicals across the United States alluded to information in the Protevangelium: from Andover, Massachusetts, and Boston, the Biblical Repositor and Quarterly Observer; from New York City, the American Biblical Repository; and from Nauvoo, Illinois, the Times and Seasons. [13] The Protevangelium of James focuses on the perpetual virginity of Mary and the immaculate conception of Mary, which freed her from original sin. . 185 Heber J. An author or editor confused two famous Old Testament Zechariahs and accidentally gave the paternity of the minor prophet, “Zechariah, the son of Berechiah” (Zechariah 1:1), to the high priest “Zechariah son of Jehoiada” (2 Chronicles 24:20), who was “stoned . . And Elisabeth, having heard that they were searching for John, took him and went up into the hill-country. A few centuries later the apostle John also had a revelation from God in the form of a dream, which he recorded in the book of Revelation. Furthermore, Charles Hodge, the head of Princeton’s school of theology, ascribed to Protestantism: “(1.) Initially, he lived in Babylon among the captives and then left Babylon to assist Zerubbabel in rebuilding Jerusalem (see Zechariah 8:8; Ezra 5:1–2; 6:14).The book of Zechariah is named after him and begins with his genealogy, “the word of the Lord [came] unto Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo the prophet” (Zechariah 1:1). There was a second Zachariah the son of Jeroboam, who was the last king of Israel from the lineage of Jehu. [48] Robert T. Bray, “Times and Seasons: An Archeological Perspective on Early Latter Day Saints Printing,” Historical Archaeology 13 (1979): 53–119. Unlike the biblical narratives, the Protevangelium expands the story with several tangents about John and his family. The Lord introduces an unknown martyr who happened to share names—both his. This name is mostly being used as a boys name. See “Daily Events in the Life of Joseph Smith: August,” Joseph Smith Resource Center, LDS.org, http://lds.org/josephsmith/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=e581001cfb340010VgnVCM1000001f5e340aRCRD&vgnextfmt=tab2&month=8. [45] Furthermore, “the writing style of the editorial matches most closely that of W. W. Phelps, not the Prophet Joseph,” who usually wrote in the first person, not third. When his pursuers recognized it, they sawed the tree and Zacharias into pieces. When his father refused to disclose his hiding place, and being the officiating high priest at the Temple that year, was slain by Herod’s order, between the porch and the altar, as Jesus said.” (Teachings, p. 261. I wrote on this subject in order to illuminate the sources for the account and to arrest its further spread among Latter-day Saint educators as a revealed teaching of the Prophet Joseph Smith. In 1999, Brown estimated that the population would have been at most one thousand, to prove his point that even at that extreme, very few male infants were killed by Herod’s troops. From the time of King Herod’s rule, the position of high priest was transferred from an ancient Zadokite high priest lineage to an eminent priest. [46] Seven months before the article was printed, in February of 1842, the Prophet delegated the full-time position of managing editor of the Times and Seasons to John Taylor. The irony of Zechariah’s martyrdom lies a generation earlier. John J. Collins (New York: Doubleday, 1971), 282. Yet the Protevangelium claims that Zacharias was the high priest, a position whose duties would be performed in the Holy of Holies. [to the temple] again, saying: Tell the truth; where is thy son? 9, Encyclopaedia Judaica, 2nd ed., ed. The book of Zechariah contains prophecy given by God to the prophet Zechariah about future events.
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