This pine needle rake can easily handle lightweight pine straw without damaging your grass; it is also very useful to cleaning up other lightweight lawn debris … Field Tuff FTF-60PSR3PT 60" 3 pt. Pine Straw Collection. 2. Free ground shipping to your door within 1,000 miles! Only management units designated by Offered in 5 and 6 foot sizes, these rakes will serve you well when you need a rake with flexible tines for yard clean up or collecting pine needles. The design of the Everything Attachments pine straw rake is centered around making life easier for the user, starting with basic assembly. The field Tuff Pine Straw Rake is one of the … it's worth the money if you have to clean off your roof. Pine straw rakes connect to the rear of a tractor using a standard 3 point hitch, and you simply use the lift arms to lift them up and lower them in the correct spot to rake up your pine needles. Another pine needles rake to make the grade is the Groundskeeper II Rake mainly because of its wide rake head which helps remove larger amounts of leaves, pine needles, and thatch, while sparing plants and shrubs. When you lower the rake onto the lawn, the spring action tines give enough resistance to carry pine straw, but not so much as to damage the sod or soil as you are collecting pine needles. The rake contains 26, .33" spring steel tines for optimal performance, durability, & reliability. Yard Tuff's YTF-60PSR 60" Pine Straw Rake. This convenient rake is made specifically to handle messy pine needles, and this tractor implement connects right to your lawn tractor using a pin and hitch clip. … Constructed of durable steel … 7' Pine Straw Rake . Let tractor do all the work. Tractor Pine Needle Rakes are the simplest way to gather up pine needles before using a pine needle baler to prepare pine straw for sale. Sweepa – Rubber Rake. Add to Compare Quickview. This process ensures that the tines delicate spring function is maintained and the tine is not weakened by the heat of a welder. Here is a video of Peanut, Everything Attachments' master technician, assembling a pine straw rake, But, I went through that ache with the best rake for pine needles. If you’re in the market for a pine straw rake attachment, the Field … MTE Pine Straw Balers. Find out more *We are an American Based Manufacturer* Handling all equipment manufacturing in our shop allows us to supply parts for our equipment at a moments notice, keeping "down-time" to a bare minimum. The 12" pneumatic tires provide you with easy maneuverability over various terrains. With the Everything Attachments Pine needle rake, you can finish up your plans to bale pine needles in no time by simply driving across them with your tractor and the pine needle rake will do all of the work for you. Free ground shipping to your door within 1,000 miles! Tired of raking pine needles, leaves, limbs, and debris? The rake contains twenty-four, 5/16" spring steel tines for optimal performance, durability and reliability to ensure that you can get the job done. In addition to raking pine needles, some people have claimed to use theirs to de thatch lawns, pick up leaves, clean feedlots, gardens, and much more. Hitch for convenient use. Field Tuff Pine Straw Rake – Best For Tractor. Titan Distributors Inc. 7.8. In the event that one of the tines breaks, changing out the broken tine is as simple as unbolting the top bar, removing the remaining piece of the broken tine, inserting the new tine, and then bolting the bar back on. Our rakes have coiled tempered tines that are easily replaceable, and the whole unit comes to your door via ground.

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