A druid where one would least expect it -New Jersey- Morgan is happiest when … Melee comps will have to run back and forth between you and their current target to heal you, whereas Ranged comps tend to remain close to you. TwistedVulcan: 01.13.2018 , 01:11 PM | #1: Quote. … 2V-R8; Akaavi Spar; Akk Dog; Andronikos Revel; Arcann; Aric Jorgan; Ashara Zavros; Blizz; Bowdaar; Broonmark; C2-N2 ; Corso Riggs; Dashade; … 1.1k. Testing SCORPIO in Star Wars the Old RepublicTested in 6.1.2cCheck out Twitch: https://twitch.tv/kevmeup 1: 0; Jedipedia.net is a non-profit Star Wars fansite run by Jedipedia e.V. Have fun out there and may the Force be with you. Closest would be using all same influance companions and time how long it takes them to dmg ops dummy. Characters who are the companions of the game's main protagonist(s) (Revan, Meetra Surik, Hero of Tython, Barsen'thor, Meteor, Voidhound, Empire's wrath, Darth Nox, Cipher Nine or Hunter) from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords and Star Wars: The Old Republic respectively. Apparently, as you level them and, i think, progress through their personal story, you unlocked … The last step is … ~ Swtorista . some classes are … Companions were created, in part, to grant us that request. 1: 0; 4. Also note that on the official forums, there were reports that some KotFE/Cartel Market Force user comps have been given tech … Questions or comments? In additional, their views of you will evolve as you progress in your story - your decisions can determine whether they will become your close friend or bitter enemy. Really, it all depends on what you as the player find the most agreeable, or who you identify with the most. 1: 521215756206199 God forbid I actually say this, but, here's an idea that I hope the developers see. 3. Details. SWTOR Marksman 6.0+ Sniper Guide (DPS PvE) for beginner players and more experienced veterans: builds, rotations, tips, all lyou need to know Try this mod! A SWTOR Companion app STAR WARS: The Old Republic > English > Crew Skills A SWTOR Companion app Reply. It transfers that threat and damage to you. Each one also has their own personality, and will provide you with information or commentary throughout your travels. SWTOR Best Companion for Every Class. Guides, databases, datamining, discipline calulators, tools, news, theorycrafting, and more! All credits go to him. the table being output below is not at all inclusive of all parsed data, it is merely meant to prove that the parsing works. 71 comments. A druid where one would least expect it -New Jersey- Morgan is happiest when immersing herself in the magic of another … some classes have high ceilings (how good you can get) but low floors (how bad you are when you don't play it right/parse a lot) and some are the opposite - just because the top parser is [name/class] doesn't mean you will get close to there. Dromund Kaas is also home to the imperial capital Kaas City. Your Companions, Contacts, and Followers are far more than just an extra blaster or lightsaber. Posted by 11 hours ago. There’s someone... 0 comments. SWTOR Best … The first SWTOR fansite! 1. I hope you have enjoyed this read! The terrain of Dromund Kaas Don't want to hold a Mouse button all the time to look around? This was directly taken from KevMep's companion guide that can be found on the Official SWTOR forum. UDPATE: The Parsec raid service will no longer be available as of Aug 6th. SWTOR Best Companions for Every Class [Top 5] SWTOR Best AoE Class; SWTOR Best Romance for Each Class; Share this Article: facebook; twitter; reddit; whatsapp; email; More on this topic: Star Wars: The Old Republic; Morgan VanSaders. 1: 0; 2. Join the SWTOR Guild Finder Discord. CXP: 600. Mako was a Human female who lived during the Cold War. Using this on a friendly player, companion, or NPC reduces the threat they built and the amount of damage they take. Engineer by day, software dev by night, he does his best to keep the site up to date. 86 comments. 1: 0; 2. SWTOR Combat Log Parser This website will accept the text of a combat log and then parse the log into JSON objects. save. I have uploaded the Raid Service Source code in the downloads section so any of you more tech savvy users can host your own raid service. How to get Paxton Rall Companion in SWTOR SWTOR. … Use this on your companion when doing hard solo content to help keep them alive. SWTOR Companion Gifts Guide. Welcome to beta! The API can be called from any other website, simply "View Source" on this page for an example of how it can be done. Sith Assassin / Jedi Shadow (Top Parse: 31,825 damage per second) Specialization: Deception / Infiltration. and is not endorsed by or affiliated with Disney, LucasArts, BioWare, or Electronic Arts. 2. 1. Dromund Kaas is the second World Emipre players will get to explore. share. SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide Swtorista | January 5, 2021 In the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion and later, players can recruit many companions to join their alliance, including brand new companions and companions from other stories. Screen Shot. share. And as far as dps goes, someone on the forums let his max level companion parse on a dummy for … If you are new to the game, you can learn about how companions work first. She was discovered by Braden on the moon Nar Shaddaa, and was hired by him to provide intel and tech for those participating in the Great Hunt. Find information on [parse_bonus] at Jedipedia's SWTOR database! SWTOR Companion Recruitment Guide. To make it easier for you to contact Your Companion, click this link https://discord.gg/x5kATm2 and join the SWTOR Guild Finder discord chat channel. Report Save. I looked at a few of the different droid/beast companions and some of them have varying damage levels at influence 1, which is strange. 1. 46. 3. share. A Starship is a vehicle designed for interstellar travel, specifically between star systems. 1 Background 2 Biography 3 Personality 4 Abilites 5 Companion Missions 6 Quotes 7 External … She is a romance option to a male Bounty Hunter. Posted by . Are you willing to work on that class to get there, or do you want something that's fairly easy to just be 'okay' at? Tank companions can solo seemingly everything, as they shield themselves from damage and have a small, constant self-heal going on. Screen Shot. Long before he approached me with the offer to provide these guides, they were already among the most popular request from the few still missing at the time SWTOR 6.0 Guides from the list. BioWare talks SWTOR Companion Issues and Updates before 6.0 SWTOR. SWTOR Questions & Answer Thread + New & Returning Player Posts (week of Feb 15, 2021) 9. I would like to thank Ahz for providing an updated version for SWTOR Update 6.0 to his Assassin Darkness Tanking Guide for PvE. It is revealed during the Jedi Consular storyline she knew Qyzen Fess at one point. Any high DPS Melee companion, they will stay in melee range and deliver a high amount of threat from their damage. SWTOR 5.9 Returning Companions: Felix, Mako and Akaavi SWTOR. As for the best DpS companion type, it may be better to pick those with ranged weapons as healers. 1 Biography 1.1 Great Hunt 1.2 Origins 1.3 Rishi 2 Personality and traits 3 Talents and abilities 4 Behind the scenes 5 Appearances 6 Sources 7 Notes and references 8 External links … SWTOR … SWTOR Companion Customizations. Parsec is a combat log parser … In one of my parses, it accounted for a whopping 13.8% of my total damage dealt despite using it only 11 times, this is of course because it deals so much damage. You can also easily ramp up the influence level of your companions without having to click a few thousand times on a stack of gifts :-) You still need the stacks, mind you, this mod only does the clicking for you! SWTOR Best Companions for Every Class [Top 5] SWTOR Best AoE Class; SWTOR Best Romance for Each Class; Share this Article: facebook; twitter; reddit; whatsapp; email; More on this topic: SWTOR | Star Wars: The Old Republic | star wars | Class Tier List; Morgan VanSaders. 1. 2. One with the Force: Equipped with a stylish double-bladed lightsaber, the Assassin and Shadow show off their abilities with a flurry of elegant movesets. Feel free to send me a message on Twitter @swtorista, Reddit /u/swtorista, Youtube Swtorista channel or by e-mail at the same name with gmail.com at the end. 2 hours ago. You can change the look of your companion in Star Wars: The Old Republic by equipping them with a companion customization. I really wish there was a way to parse their damage using StarParse. 2. share. There are just so many personable and beloved companion personalities in Star Wars: The Old Republic, that it makes it ridiculously hard to pinpoint one that is “the best”. SWTOR Companion Gifts List and Chart. Today we're going to chat about my top 5 new or returning player tips for SWTOR in 2020! When they asked for his name, he was: nsfw. 1: 521215756206197; 2: 0; 3: 521215756206198; 3. While most starships are equipped with a hyperdrive unit capable of travel between systems all over the galaxy, some vessels only possess sublight engines and as such cannot effectively travel farther than the range of their home system. 1.1k. Miscellaneous ; By Tomixx1111; 3.1MB ; 11-- View … save. WoW has created an companion app for IOS devises where you are able to handle companion missions from your … In some cases, use it on other players in PvP to help them stay alive. SWTOR Khem Val Returning This Year, Rishi Stronghold and Summer of PvP Updates SWTOR. SWTOR 5.10 Jedi Under Siege: Everything You Need to Know SWTOR. CXP: 600. Original Poster 3 years ago. The impression i got is that companions are going to be better than summoned pets we have now because you level them, gear them out, and add abilities to them and set the order you want those abilities performed in. Related Posts. Find information on [parse] at Jedipedia's SWTOR database! StarParse is the official SWTOR in-game client and combat log parser of TORCommunity and TORParse. Next-Gen SWTOR Combat Log Parser The official client of TORCommunity and TORParse! Adaptive Armor; Nar Shaddaa Nightlife Event; Decorations - Personnel; 2.10.2a Patch Notes; … Mouse look always on and auto gift for Swtor. Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) visual equipment database and character gallery. In group PvE, unless you are the fake tank and told to … Parsec SWTOR Parser.NET Combat Log Parser Windows Application for SWTOR (Star Wars the Old Republic) home issues discussions. Physical description Story Combat Mako is the first companion for the Bounty Hunter class, joining the mercenary when he/she leaves Hutta. I hope his efforts and work will be of great use to many new and learning how to tank players as well as old veterans, looking to expand their knowledge of this very specific and much needed role in every group activity. Details. back to top . Private Message Hanna'h#7096, Veti#1282. SWTOR Companions List . I would like to thank Dantiko for providing the Annihilation and Watchman Guides for SWTOR 6.0+. For me, each use averaged over 81k damage per use, though if you use Periodic Intensity amps (I have Armor Penetration), you can expect even more. Its sole intent is to support players of Star Wars: The Old Republic (“SWTOR”) and make their gameplay more enjoyable. level 2. Companions & Contacts ... In-Game Combat Log Parser ; Reputation Calculator ; SWTOR Caster ... Hayward founded TORCommunity in 2008 the day after SWTOR was announced. The full guide is filled with tons of additional info about how to make your companions even better. As a result of all this, it’s incredibly important to use … As countless foes fell beneath his blade, he opened the cage to release his Imperial comrades.

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