One-ring calls may appear to be from phone numbers somewhere in the United States, including three initial digits that resemble U.S. area codes. Many users assume they may know the person calling and are more likely to answer if the number resembles their own. Best answer. When dialing a telephone number, the area code may be preceded by a trunk prefix (national access code), the international access code and country code. Similar to discrete data, continuous data can also be either finite or infinite. Continuous is a numerical data type with uncountable elements. 10. hair color of the math teachers at PHS 11. the number of people that prefer Pepsi over Coke 12. the weight of your sister’s car (in pounds) 13. the number of criminal indictments against Michael Vick 14. the length of his jail sentence 15. your telephone area code … The area codes are international numbers that still fall under the +1 country code. That is why, when we do something with discrete and continuous data, actually we do something with numerical data. (a)numerical, continuous (b)numerical, discrete (c) categorical (d)categorical, ordinal 11. In a recent study based upon an inspection of 200 homes in Daisy City, 120 violated one or more city codes. They are represented as a set of intervals on a real number line . Hiya examined 4.3 billion calls each month and … Classify the following random variable: telephone area codes. A 0 votes. Discrete Data In Healthcare Feb 23, 2017 Dave Newman Front Page , Technical Skills Here is a quick read on a concept that is very important to analysts, project managers, and clinicians who work with just about any Healthcare IT system: discrete data in Healthcare. 0 votes. continuous discrete regular categorical ordinal 9. A) qualitative data B) experimental data C) quantitative continuous data D) quantitative discrete data. Some analyses can use discrete and continuous data at the same time. discrete code Any one of the 4096 selectable Mode 3/A four-digit SSR (secondary surveillance radar) codes whose last two digits are not “00” (e.g., discrete codes: 0010, 1201, 2317, 7777; nondiscrete codes: 0100, 1200, 7700). If it is quantitative, tell if it is discrete or continuous. It's often said that mathematics is useful in solving a very wide variety of practical problems. Discrete Mathematics in the Real World. answered Oct 3, 2016 by Aniala . But savvy scammers often use international numbers from regions that also begin with three-digit codes – for example, "232" goes to Sierra Leone and "809" goes to the Dominican Republic. gender sleep bedtime countries dread 1 male 5 12-2 13 3 2 female 7 10-12 7 2 ... What type of variable is a telephone area code? Area codes are often quoted by including the national access code. According to, scammers want you to call or text back. asked Oct 3, 2016 in Statistics by Jeep_Dave. The manager's statement that 60% of the city's 3,000 homes are in violation of city codes is _____ A. none of the answers B. an accurate statement C. … An uncountable finite data set has an end, while an uncountable infinite data set tends to infinity. Types of variables (cont.) {MathILy, MathILy-Er} focus on discrete mathematics, which, broadly conceived, underpins about half of pure mathematics and of operations research as well as all of computer science. The difference between discrete and continuous variable can be drawn clearly on the following grounds: The statistical variable that assumes a finite set of data and a countable number of values, then it is called as a discrete variable. introductory-statistics; 0 Answers. For example, a number in London may be listed as 020 7946 0321. Users must correctly interpret 020 as the code for London.

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