Seriously, this guy has a ton of robots. Something’s not adding up here. But while the two do have some similarities, they are rather different in how they deal with conflict. I remember this so well. Theirs is a bond that isn’t easily broken, and it’s awesome to see Hiccup learn to gain this dragon’s trust. But one big mystery is the priest Tzekel-Kan. I honestly would have to say that this meme is pretty accurate. The scene shows Chief Tannabok learning of a Spanish expedition heading towards the city of El Dorado. Okay, but Chicken Run is nearly 20 years old, and that makes me feel old since I can still clearly remember watching this as a kid. He also has this giant robot mecha suit that he fights Titan in. Jim Cummings is fearsome as the imposing Cortes. My mind almost shut down from shock when the cuts in my hands healed in seconds before my eyes. Though, that is exactly what happened in the Bible, so what can you do? Or Bee Movie? Complete Monster: Tzekel-Kan is a fanatical and sadistic priest of El Dorado's religion. Or, would you rather buy 203 copies of Bee Movie on DVD for $6 less than what you would buy a new iPhone for? And of course, they’d rather perish of old age rather than in the place they are, which is a fair reason to want to flee the coop. But I guess once the nickname stuck, no one was changing it anytime soon. So this is actually true. He is aided by the help o… It might surprise you even more that there’s even a soundtrack with all of these characters singing the song’s full versions. Although, I don’t think Princess Fiona would end up marrying Shrek if he had Donkey’s personality. So, here’s the question: how is it that Melvin can talk? Personally, I don’t know who I could see in the roles. But I’ll admit. A wild raccoon teaches a turtle and crew about how to obtain delicious food like hamburgers, pizza, and Spuddies, from the humans by raiding garbage cans and robbing their homes. I think Tzekel Kan is like legit one of the scariest villains in a kids movie cause there’s no real REASON he likes to kill people. Yep, a dragon with retractable teeth. Tzekel-Kan is the main antagonist in The Road to El Dorado. Tzekel-Kan is almost like every other stereotypical villain in that he just wants to cause mischief or wants to take over the kingdom. Actually, I probably don’t want to know how that works. Out of all the DreamWorks films someone could’ve claimed to create, a man by the name of Jayme Gordon claimed that he created Kung Fu Panda. The meme-like video basically repeats itself over and over again as Harry cannot comprehend the idea that he’s a wizard. If it were me, I’d go with a new phone just because I’m not as obsessed with memes like the rest of the world is. I have to give this movie a lot of points for creativity. And Spirit’s? Wrong. I am surprised with myself. It just fits. In his spare time, he plays with spiders. If you’re not as familiar with the company’s animated films, you might want to grab a bucket of popcorn and go complete a full DreamWorks movie marathon. Put simply, Shrek was very weird, but that’s probably why we all liked it so much. Honestly, I was really happy to see that The Prince of Egypt memes actually do exist. I can honestly see a resemblance between the queen of Arendelle and Jack’s little sis. That’s what this meme questions, how on earth did Tai Lung still remain muscular and strong, despite having been in prison and confined to little movement? But DreamWorks isn’t perfect, and while it has created many unique movies, they tend to have their own fair share of problems. Which is the dominant trait here? The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. How did he get his powers? Now, this meme has been around for a while, but it’s funny just how much Tulio and Miguel resemble Thor and Loki from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And yet, I wonder if I did enough digging? He is a fanatically vicious high priest who has a religious fixation for human sacrifices. And being down there for 20 years meant that his muscles would’ve wasted away to practically nothing. It takes a lot of fun superhero tropes and turns them on their heads, especially since it’s told from the perspective of the supervillain. He is also very charismatic and dignified in manner. Kingdom Hearts is an incredible series because it takes Disney films and mashes them together into one beautiful story. You wish. According to Know Your Meme, this format first appeared in the Facebook group The Road To El Dorado Goldposting in a post by Jo Kaplan in July 2019: What if Prince Hans of the Southern Isles took a liking to a DreamWorks character? The way Tai Lung was trapped in prison would’ve left him with no way to exercise. On the other hand, Shark Tale memes are a delicacy meant to be savored. For the meme, all four panels of the meme are edited with various dialogues with an increasing sense of tension. Tzekel Kan (the Road to El Dorado) 35. In general, he’s kind of a cute dork. But there is one little fact that even makes this element a little crazy. He is also scheming and manipulative, and even psychotic. Move over Disney, it's time for 25 hilarious DreamWorks-specific memes! Give me a film where Fiona and Anna team up against the two and I’m there opening night. Believe it or not, these potato chips play a big role in the film. Megamind isn’t actually all that dangerous or even that intimidating. But as the meme says, this film is rather dark. r/ElDoradoMemes! Believe it or not, DreamWorks animated films have actually been around for quite some time. It’s a cute film, and it’s just really different in comparison to a lot of the films DreamWorks has released. The prevalence of meme culture within online discourse accentuates the inextricable relationship between the two, particularly when enough distance has occurred for a media text to resurge in popularity. While charismatic, commanding, influential and a bit unctuous, Tzekel-Kan is power-hungry, bloodthirsty, scheming, manipulative and even psychotic (much like Jafar in Disney's Aladdin). I don’t see how he thought he could actually sue them. So I’m going to approach this the best way I can. ), The Shrek series has a few interesting couples. See more. I’m not saying that DreamWorks can’t do movies that have different themes and morals, but where these two movies are pretty similar in settings and characters, the opposite messages do seem pretty weird. That being said, Ramses is one stubborn guy. This meme is a popular one because it’s always used to characterize someone’s foolish idea. But you know what? RJ loves Spuddies, even though his nemesis, the big, mean, nasty bear loves them as well. And for Donkey and Dragon, we actually get to see what their spawn would look like. They took an idea that on paper may have sounded dumb and turned it into a pretty awesome movie. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers, Genshin Impact Vs. Angry Birds tells kids that its okay to fight people if they’re actually threatening you. In the Shrek 2 DVD bonus features, there was content focused on Far Far Away Idol. What ancient magic is he actually drawing on? Or how Princess Ariel discovers the Arendelle shipwreck. People, you continue to always surprise me with fan theories. But none of them are actually bad in that version. I’ll admit. Last but not least, I thought we would end with a fan theory that gets crazier and crazier as the weeks go on. Don’t be afraid to fall in love with who you want. And they both try to end the hero. Search, watch, and cook every single Tasty recipe and video ever - all in one place! There’s a lot of grown-up humor in those films alone. Tzekel-Kan and the Chief were quite cooperative with each other (before Tzekel-Kan unleashed his stone jaguar onto the city), especially since Tzekel-Kan's role as a priest complemented the Chief's political power and vise versa. Besides, there’s already so many theories out there, especially ones where Rapunzel from Tangled is somehow related to Princess Anna and Queen Elsa. Now, I get that it was a branding thing, and it makes sense for the sequels to the movie to be named the same thing, but still. Guess we should be grateful that fanfiction exists, right? Megamind is a supervillain who ends up destroying the superhero of his city. I’m sure they exist somewhere…. Love has no boundaries. I’m sure you’ve probably seen every Shrek meme in existence. With how his nose currently looks, it should be next to impossible for him to be able to breathe. Yep. I really hope kids who did watch the movie were at least familiar with the original content. There are many mysteries surrounding the movie The Road to El Dorado. Believe me. Over the Hedge was a very entertaining movie, full of crazy characters, fun humor, slightly strange scenarios and some pretty impressive animation. He is a fanatically vicious high priest who has a religious fixation for human sacrifices. But unlike them, Tulio and Miguel don’t want to end each other. There’s just a lot of bee jokes in the film, which might be funny to the kids, but after a while, the grown-ups watching the film would probably go bonkers. This meme points out a rather funny element of the movie that probably didn’t occur to many of us. Which Genshin Impact Character Shares Your Birthday In March? I’ve had plenty of time to watch it and I just haven’t. But it turns out they do have quite a few similarities. Have you seen Shark Tale? This was shown especially in the 2nd movie, where it shows that Po has gained a lot more fighting skill, but he’s still that slightly awkward, clumsy guy. It tends to gamble when it comes to movie ideas. Hmm.) Because of her older brother’s abilities, Jack Frost’s sister gave birth to Elsa, a girl with ice powers. Realizing he has nothing left to fight against, Megamind decides to create a new superhero to battle against. Tzekel-Kan is the main antagonist in The Road to El Dorado. Considering that Madagascar is a movie about a bunch of talking animals, there is a lot of suspension of disbelief in general. He specializes in Human Sacrifice, and when Miguel and Tulio arrive to his city, he believes that they are gods and tries to impress them by attempting to sacrifice an innocent citizen. This is where the true quality begins. Heck, I’m surprised animators spend so much time on eyebrows. I still remember listening to that CD all the time. If you think about it, there was a lot of focus on Zootopia and joke that it was a movie for furries. But this meme does make a fair point. While Tannabok is dismissive of the threat at first, his position changes upon hearing that Cortés is being led by Tzekel-Kan, the high priest whom had been exiled. At least in Shark Tale, Oscar falls in love with Angie. Sure, it’s a cute movie, but it’s definitely not one of DreamWorks’ standout films, even if it does have Brad Pitt in it for like ten minutes. I can just imagine Moses having this meme reaction. That’s probably because eyebrows really help a character’s expressions. It provides a lot of laughs, and sometimes it can show just how crazy the original plot of the movie was. That, and cookies. Is he just pulling it out of thin air? 10 Iconic Fan Art Versions Of Video Game Characters In Cyberpunk 2077. DreamWorks even found out that some of Gordon’s panda drawings were traced from a Lion King coloring book. Think of how many people you could enlighten with the words of Jerry Seinfeld… as a bee. After all, Maurice seems far more suited for the role. At a first glance, you probably wouldn’t think the movie Angry Birds and the movie Trolls had anything in common, other than being DreamWorks movies. 3.0k members in the ElDoradoMemes community. Breath Of The Wild Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words, Yakuza: Every Karaoke Song In The Games (And Who Sings Them), Dead By Daylight: Every Type Of Survivor Main, Ranked From Worst To Best, 10 Video Game Characters With Iconic Tattoos (And What They Mean), Genshin Impact: 10 Things You Need to Know About Chongyun, 10 Genshin Impact Characters And Their Perfect Pokemon Partners, Tall Vampire Wife: 10 Hilarious Memes About Lady Dimitrescu From Resident Evil, Stardew Valley: 10 Best Meals for Fishing Enthusiasts, Control: 10 Things Things You Didn't Know About Ahti. This is a thing. Skyrim: Everything You Need To Know About Sofia The Funny Voiced Follower, Dungeons & Dragons: 12 Best Spellcaster Builds To Run, Pokémon Let’s Go: Where To Find The Rarest Pokémon, 5 Reasons We're Excited For The Mortal Kombat Movie (And 5 Reasons We're Worried), Fallout 4: 6 Hidden Details You Never Noticed During The Intro Sequence, 10 Nintendo Games That Never Got Amiibo (But Should Have), 10 Incredible Games Turning 30 Years Old In 2021, Gears 5: 10 Things You Didn't Know About The Hammer Of Dawn. This then leads him to sing like Frank Sinatra. Finding Nemo is way more family friendly, whereas Shark Tale involves gambling, grown-up drama, and The Godfather. Now, certain things and actual crimes are one thing.

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